Wahoo Kickr / キッカー

2020 11 7 wahoo KICKR IMG_3766

Indoor training while enjoying Zwift with smart rollers now,,ja,Wahoo Kickr Climb / Kicker Climb allows the front fork to move up and down,,ja,Realistic reproduction of movable and virtual slopes (purchaser talk is fun!),,ja,Besides, SARIS, Thank Raider, etc.,,ja,Wahoo Kickr,,en,Kicker,,ja

Wahoo Kickr Climb /キッカークライムを使えばフロントフォークが上下に

可動、バーチャルでの坂道などリアルに再現(購入者談 楽しいよ!っと)

他にSARIS や ThankRaider 等々